Joint pulling and plastering in Saguenay

Joint pulling and plastering in Saguenay

Are you looking for a pointing and plastering contractor in Saguenay? At Pierre Gosselin Jointoyeur, these are precisely the services we offer. You can call on us for a residential or commercial project.

What is joint pulling?

Joint pulling is the next step after drywall installation. It involves covering the joints between plasterboard or gypsum board with tape or paper. Screw holes are also sealed with special materials. The aim of the whole process is to smooth the surface before painting.

What is plastering?

Plastering is also a preparation stage for painting. It involves spreading plaster on walls or ceilings to create a smooth, uniform surface. This material is also used to pad cracks or holes in the structure. It is also highly appreciated in the world of architectural design. Particularly flexible, simply mold it into the shape you want. It is also known for its durability. The Victorian houses we still admire today are proof of this.

The importance of proper application

Correct application guarantees paint durability. And that goes for both plastering and joint pulling. The slightest irregularity could accelerate the flaking of the finish and encourage the formation of cracks. For one thing, it's very unsightly. On the other hand, the cost of remedial work can be quite high.

Call in a professional!

So make sure the surface is completely flat before painting. That’s why you should leave this type of work to a professional.

He or she has the qualifications and skills required for correct application. He also knows the safety measures to take to keep the surrounding area clean.

This is essential to avoid damaging existing structures.

Nous Joindre

Why choose us?

We have been offering our joint pulling services for over 30 years. So we have the experience to meet your needs. What’s more, we entrust your project to qualified professionals who have mastered their trade.

First of all, they listen to your needs. They can also advise you on the options best suited to your situation.

What’s more, we always make sure your budget is respected. That’s why we always deliver on time. However, we guarantee the quality of our work.

Call on us for your joint pulling or plastering projects in the Saguenay region

Contractor, private individual or subcontractor? You can call on us for any joint-pulling or plastering project in the Saguenay region. We’ll be happy to help! We invite you to contact us for more information about our services. You can find our contact details on our website. We would also like to inform you that we offer free quotations. So don’t wait any longer!